
About Christopher G. Weigl

Attorney At Law

Christopher G. Weigl is an attorney at law with offices in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He maintains a broad-based general practice founded upon forty-two (42) years of experience in diverse areas of the law. His strengths include real estate; acquisitions and divestitures; financing; business formations; drafting, negotiating and administering contracts; land use and zoning; environmental law; elder law; wills, trusts and estates and civil litigation, including matrimonial and commercial. Mr. Weigl has a solid reputation for producing high-quality work cost-effectively, on time and as promised.

Beyond day-to-day work, some higher-profile accomplishments include the following:

Consummated the closing of title to land and construction financing for several eight-figure transactions involving new health care facilities. This included organizing the limited partnerships taking title and the corporate operating entities, in one instance purchasing the real estate at foreclosure sale (saving the client hundreds of thousands of dollars) and in two instances preserving in excess of $26 million in financing commitments then in imminent danger of expiration. 
Succeeded in overturning in court a use variance and site plan approval obtained by a developer to construct an eight (8)-bay goodyear tire center in a residential neighborhood in Ridgewood, New Jersey, thereby protecting the character of the neighborhood and the property values of the members of his association client.

Participated in an $8M three-party transaction involving his client, the City of Hackensack and the Price Club resulting in the clean-up of a hazardous waste site, the relocation and redevelopment of the City's DPW facility and the construction of the present Price Club outlet on River Street in Hackensack.  

Effected an IRS Sec. 1031 like-kind exchange for his international corporate client in Monmouth County, enabling a tax-free transaction serving to upgrade its U.S. headquarters and to reinvest deal sweeteners into its real estate holdings.

Mr. Weigl serves as Advocate of the Ridgewood/Glen Rock Council #1736 of the Knights of Columbus and as General Counsel to the Ridgewood Columbian Club. He is now a Republican County Committee member and now serves as Membership Chair of Ski Club of NJ. He has served as Chairman of the Solo and Small Firm Section of the NJ State Bar Association (“NJSBA”). He is a former Pastoral Council member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel R.C. Church, a past Treasurer of and legal counsel to Ridgewood First Night and a coach and sponsor of youth recreational softball and basketball teams. Mr. Weigl has also lectured and published on the law.

A native and life-long resident of Bergen County, Mr. Weigl is a graduate of St. Joseph Regional H.S., Fairfield University and Rutgers School of Law, all on scholarship. He is admitted to the bars of NJ and NY, is a member of the NJ State and Bergen County Bar Associations and has been honored as General Practitioner of the Year by NJSBA. 

Christopher G. Weigl

Attorney At Law

Professional History

1995 - Present
Solo general practitioner; areas of concentration include: real estate; acquisitions and divestitures; financing; commercial law; land use and zoning; environmental law; elder law; estate planning, probate and administration; civil litigation.

1990 - 1994
Senior associate with Schepisi & McLaughlin, P.A., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Responsible attorney for handling and closing numerous eight-figure commercial transactions involving development of new health care facilities and a new Price Club in northern New Jersey; gained land use approvals for clients; won overturn in court for objector to a use variance and site plan approval for a tire center in a residential zone.

1989 - 1990
Associated with Rubin, Rubin, Malgran & Kuhn, Piscataway, New Jersey.
Drafted documentation for proposed 2-million square foot mixed-use development in Woodbridge; handled real estate-oriented transactions.

1986 - 1989
General Counsel to Spages, Incorporated, Hawthorne and Riverdale, New Jersey.
Represented consortium of affiliated corporations in real estate development and construction. Prepared Public Offering Statement and obtained approvals for 172-unit townhouse/condominium project; closed and administered eight-figure revolving construction loan; handled contracts and litigation as to all projects of the consortium.

1978 - 1986
Associated with Waters, McPherson, McNeill, Jersey City and Secaucus, New Jersey.
Generalist responsible for real estate and estate planning and administration sectors; served as mortgage review and foreclosure counsel to client bank; supervised and participated in hiring staff of firm's law clerks; offered junior partnership in 1986.

Associated with Miller & Platt, Paterson, New Jersey.
Engaged in commercial collections practice.

1977 - 1978
Editor, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Edited and revised publisher's looseleaf Federal Tax Service and Federal Tax Guide.

1973 - 1976
Rutgers School of Law, Newark, New Jersey. Awarded J.D., May, 1976.
Scholarship holder; worked part-time throughout law school to fully finance expenses.

1969 - 1973
Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut. Awarded B.A. Economics, June 1973.
Holder of 3 scholarships; Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics National Honor Society); Varsity track (senior year co-captain and past record holder in half-mile) and cross-country; named to 1973 edition of Outstanding College Athletes of America.

1965 - 1969
St. Joseph Regional High School, Montvale, New Jersey. Varsity track (past/present record holder); member, The Record's All-Century track team (SJR '69); inducted into SJR Athletic Hall of Fame with ’69 track team (2019); yearbook editor.

Professional and Personal Affiliations

Admitted to New Jersey bar (1976); admitted to New York bar (1990); member, New Jersey State and Bergen County Bar Associations; Past Chairman, Solo and Small Firm Section, NJSBA; member, Probate and Estate Planning and Real Property committees, BCBA; member, Republican County Committee; past member, Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce; Advocate, Ridgewood/Glen Rock Knights of Columbus #1736 (General Counsel to Columbian Club); Membership Chairman, Ski Club of New Jersey; founding President, Mahwah chapter, Business Network Int'l; past Treasurer and Legal Counsel, Ridgewood First Night, Inc.; past Ponytail Softball commissioner, manager and sponsor, Ridgewood Baseball & Softball Association; past manager and sponsor, Ridgewood Biddy Basketball; past member, Pastoral Council, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel R.C. Church.

Miscellaneous Accomplishments

Independently fully subscribed total education costs with scholarships, educational loans and personal earnings; past NJ State champion in Masters competition (competitor, Millrose Games and Penn Relays); published lecturer/author of legal articles; honored as General Practitioner of the Year and served as Chairman, Solo and Small Firm Section, formerly General Practice Section, of NJSBA.
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